Once Again Sam Turns 14!

My small business turns 14 years old this weekend. 

I was having a hard time wanting to celebrate because last year was a really tough one. I know each year can’t be the “best ever” but 2022 was the first time in 14 years it was noticeably quiet and things seemed to fall short or fall through altogether. My best guess for the cause was recession-related and algorithm changes, but who knows. Then I started thinking about recessions - this business was actually born DURING a recession, when I was was dealing with a pay cut, just like everyone else I worked with, if we were lucky to keep our jobs at all. It was a tough time economically for all of us, but with a $25 a month crafting budget, and a table (not a room, not a studio, just a table!) I started Once Again Sam in January of 2009 as a creative outlet and to see if I could make some extra money to buy shoes & yarn. That’s all I was after. Big dreams, right? 

Within a year, it became a profitable side hobby. In 3-4 years, I earned as much making things as I did working full time, and at year 5, I flip flopped my hobby with my career and went full time with Once Again Sam and part time with interior design and have been doing that ever since. Between the two “jobs” I work a lot of hours each week, but I truly enjoy what I do and feel blessed to be in this situation where I can pursue both dream jobs. 

So 2022 was a tough year, but if I look back at how far this little business has come, I can’t be too down about it. I’m extremely lucky to be able to do this for a living, I enjoy every minute of it (that’s not 100% true - I really hate load-in / load-out for craft shows) and I’m thankful for each and every one of you for being here and for your support over the years, however many years, months, weeks, or days you’ve been following along here. I appreciate you more than you know. THANK YOU! 

Please treat yourself to 20% off anything on my website this weekend with coupon code OAS14.

Turning 10

On June 18th, 2005, Etsy began. So did my marriage. 

I like sharing this happy day in history. Getting married changed my life, and so did Etsy. That probably sounds weird, it's just a website, right? To me, and billions of others, it's a lot more than just a website.

If it wasn't for Etsy, I never would have started my handmade business Once Again Sam. They made it easy for people like me with creativity and ideas, but no business background, to get started and eventually succeed. I literally learned something new every day thanks to their mission to educate and help you help yourself and connect with others. After a few years selling handmade jewelry and fiber art, I now consider being a Maker to be my full time job. Being a wife is my other full time job. They both take work, they're both incredibly rewarding, and they both define who I am. 

Ten years as a wife has shown me a pretty good glimpse of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows life has to offer. We've been through some really awful stuff together, but we've also laughed so hard we've cried, we've both grown in so many ways, but still have SO much to learn. Thankful for these 10 years, and all that's to come.